Outreach to public audience

  • S. F. M. Breitenbach: Climate reconstructions from caves and the importance of climate monitoring in caves, German Caver’s Association (VDHK) annual meeting, Rübeland (Germany), 2016-05-05
  • S. F. M. Breitenbach: Speleothems and Clumped isotope palaeothermometry, GMG Science Day, RUB Bochum (Germany), 2016-11-01
  • N. Marwan: Caves as Scientific Archives, Chapman Chair Seminar “Complex Systems Science Meets Arctic Science”, Fairbanks, Alaska (USA), 2017-03-02
  • N. Marwan: The Climate Time Machine at the “Long Night of Science in Berlin & Potsdam”, Potsdam (Germany), 2017-06-25

    High interest at the exhibition “Palaeoclimate Time Machine” at PIK.

  • N. Marwan: Höhlen als wissenschaftliche Archive, 20th Anniversary of the Speleo Club Berlin, Kienitz (Germany), 2017-09-24
  • N. Marwan, S. Breitenbach, O. Kwiecien: The Climate Time Machine at the “Long Night of Science in Berlin & Potsdam”, Potsdam (Germany), 2018-06-09
  • N. Marwan und S. Breitenbach: participation in the MindTheLab event, Möckernbrücke Berlin. http://berlin.mindthelab.org, 2018-11-08

    QUEST booth at U-Bahn station Möckernbrücke in Berlin.

  • N. Marwan, S. Breitenbach, O. Kwiecien, H. Krämer, B. Goswami, A. Hartland, C. Nava Fernandez: Climate research in caves at the “Long Night of Science in Berlin & Potsdam”, Potsdam (Germany), 2019-06-15

    QUEST at the Long Night of Science.